The Pluris DLOM Database™ is a revolutionary tool containing actual transactions in restricted stock private placements. With this data your determination of an appropriate marketability discount for your valuation will be based on actual transaction data, not on an opinion, prior court cases or a median value from a smaller study. And Pluris has decided to make this database available on the web, through ValuSource.
To order your annual subscription, call ValuSource at 800.825.8763.
The Pluris DLOM Database contains over 3,000 transactions from 2001 to 2010, more than any other commercially available DLOM database. The data is updated quarterly, so you always have the most current and accurate data to select from in developing your discount. Because the database is built on a web-based platform, you won’t have to worry about receiving the latest software in the mail.
The Pluris DLOM Database contains over 80 data points for each transaction, including:
- Closing and announcement dates
- Market prices for the underlying stock on each date, plus at set intervals before and after each date, Industry descriptions and classifications
- Trading volume and volatility for each stock, as well as the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX) as of each transaction date
- Details of any warrants issued with each deal
- Rich detail on the operating performance and financial position of each restricted stock issuer
For more information, or to try out the Pluris DLOM Database, please contact ValuSource Sales at 800.825.8763 and experience a tool second to none on the market. Have questions? Email [email protected] or read through our Frequently Asked Questions.
Click here to register for one of our free Webinars on the Pluris DLOM Database.
Click below to view Espen Robak’s presentation from the NACVA and the IBA’s 2010 Annual Consultant’s Conference on the Pluris DLOM Database: