Their work has proved especially valuable in providing an appropriate level of support for the annual independent audit of the Fund.
George J. McVey, Jr.
Dynamis Advisors, LLC & IMVA, LLC


Our experts deliver objective expert testimony in depositions, administrative proceedings, arbitration, or court. Armed with our independent studies and carefully analyzed empirical evidence, we can also provide your client with strategic advice and consulting to assist you in complex negotiations, especially when the goal is to structure a favorable negotiated settlement without incurring the time and expense of a trial.

For a representative list of client engagements involving business valuation litigation, intellectual property infringement litigation, restricted securities matters, auction-rate securities disputes, and matters involving bankruptcy claims, please see their respective pages in the Assets Valued sections.

Our track record of successful settlements or judgments for our clients speak to the quality of our research, our clear and convincing expert reports, and our performance “on the stand”.

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