In the past few years, I have been satisfied with the quality of the valuation services performed by Pluris, the level of audit support provided, and the competitive pricing of their service. I look forward to continuing to work with them.
Rajesh Madan
Cutera, Inc. (CUTR)

Publicly Traded Companies

Pluris serves public companies located throughout the world that have accessed the U.S. capital markets through a public listing. Since public companies report quarterly to outside investors and are under the scrutiny of the SEC, filing their financial statements represents high-stakes events: a missed or delayed filing can have significant market impact. Selecting the right provider to handle fair value issues – and interface with the audit team – is increasingly critical.

Illiquid securities represents some of the most difficult fair value issues reporting entities confront. This is why so many public companies turn to Pluris to value their auction rate securities, asset backed securities, or warrants, among others.

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