May, 03 2014
Zurich (Switzerland) - Since the collapse of the auction rate securities market in the US in 2008, holders of these now illiquid instruments have struggled to find reliable secondary market…more

May, 03 2014
Zürich (Schweiz) - Seit dem Zusammenbruch des US-Markts für Auction Rate Securities (Anleihen mit variablem Zinssatz) im Jahr 2008 taten sich die Inhaber dieser jetzt illiquiden Instrumente schwer, zuverlässige Sekundärmarktkurse…more

Oct, 01 2012
Adds Alternative Asset Manager Valuations to Service Offerings NEW YORK, N.Y., Jan. 11, 2012 – Pluris Valuation Advisors today announced that Kyle B. Vataha of Newport Beach, Calif., a nationally…more

May, 04 2012
PALO ALTO, Calif., April 26, 2010 – Pluris Valuation Advisors LLC announced today the opening of its San Francisco Bay Area office in response to strong demand for its valuation…more

Feb, 04 2012
PALO ALTO, Calif., April 26, 2010 – Pluris Valuation Advisors LLC announced today that Ori Bash, ASA, a resident of San Francisco, will serve as Vice President of the firm’s…more

Jan, 07 2010
NEW YORK, N.Y., July 13, 2009 – A new study by Pluris Valuation Advisors LLC, a provider of market-based valuations of illiquid securities, finds that bank buybacks of TARP warrants from the…more

Jan, 04 2010
NEW YORK, N.Y., April 13, 2009 – Initially among the most vocal critics of proposed revisions that would have weakened the “fair value” accounting standard (FAS 157-e), Espen Robak, president of Pluris…more

Feb, 04 2009
NEW YORK, N.Y., April 2, 2009 – Revisions to the “fair value” accounting standard (FAS 157-e) approved today will weaken the standard and create inconsistencies in valuations, according to Espen…more

Jun, 08 2008
NEW YORK, N.Y., Aug. 6, 2008 - Accounting for auction-rate securities (ARS) at full par value is becoming rare, according to the latest survey of auction-rate securities holders from Pluris…more

Feb, 01 2008
NEW YORK, N.Y., January 2, 2008 – Confused about the new “fair value” standards? Pluris Valuation Advisors, Inc. has published the “FAS 157 Handbook” to help hedge fund managers and…more