Their proprietary research and valuation data is key in an age when you can’t just apply the Black-Scholes model anymore.
Mike Boswell
TriPoint Capital Advisors, LLC


Sep, 06 2006
NEW YORK, N.Y. – Pluris Valuation Advisors, Inc. announced its launch today in response to a growing need for expertise in valuing restricted securities and other assets that lack liquidity.…more
Aug, 31 2006
Most hedge funds employ proprietary methodology, resulting in greatly varying valuations of similar securities from one fund to the next.  The degree to which the valuations can differ is dramatic…more
Aug, 31 2006
Aug, 31 2006
Aug, 31 2006
     The most highly anticipated IPO in history didn't put on much of a show. As I type these words, Facebook is currently trading within decimal points of its…more
Aug, 31 2006
   NEW YORK ( -- All those loan problems that once plagued U.S. financial institutions don't seem so noxious anymore. Many banks managed to put a substantial portion of their…more

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