In the past few years, I have been satisfied with the quality of the valuation services performed by Pluris, the level of audit support provided, and the competitive pricing of their service. I look forward to continuing to work with them.
Rajesh Madan
Cutera, Inc. (CUTR)


Jul, 29 2009
  NEW YORK, July 30 (Reuters) - A company created by former Countrywide Financial Corp executives to buy distressed home loans made a weak stock market debut on Thursday after…more
Jul, 28 2009
  Much of the controversy over the TARP program has been assertions by critics that the big banks were getting sweetheart deals as they exited the program. The criticism focused, in particular, on…more
Jul, 23 2009
  July 24 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. may have gone from public enemy to model citizen in eight days. The most profitable firm on Wall Street paid 98…more
Jul, 22 2009
So Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:GS) went ahead and ponied up $1.1 billion to buy back the warrants it issued the Treasury after it received a $10 billion capital infusion…more
Jul, 21 2009
  Goldman Sachs  knows when to fold its hand. The bank announced on Wednesday that it would pay $1.1 billion to buy back warrants that it issued to the Treasury…more
Jul, 14 2009
   Treasury departments are still paying a price for auction-rate securities. On February 7, 2008, Joseph Broce, assistant treasurer of Ashland Corp., authorized Oppenheimer Co. to buy $15 million worth…more
Jul, 13 2009
  The Obama Administration’s plans to reform financial regulation pin part of their hopes on changes to accounting rules. Some of those changes, however, harken back to Enron-era tactics for…more
Jul, 09 2009
  WASHINGTON -- Several Wall Street firms seeking to buy back warrants held by the government as part of the $700 billion financial bailout are complaining that the Treasury Department…more
Jul, 08 2009
  The warrant valuations matter. First, if banks are on solid enough ground to pay back their bailout loans and take the final step of buying back the warrants, it…more
Jul, 08 2009
Jun, 30 2009
  Following a year of pondering, listening, and reviewing, the Financial Accounting Standards Board has decided to eliminate the concept of qualified special purpose entities, commonly known as "Q's." FASB…more
Jun, 29 2009
  With a number of the largest U.S. banks having repaid the capital they received from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the only real string still attached to them are…more
Jun, 25 2009
  June 26 (Bloomberg) -- The Treasury plans to sell warrants obtained as part of the financial bailout “quickly” after banks repay government shares. Banks will have 15 days after…more
Jun, 09 2009
  June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Ten lenders that persuaded the U.S. yesterday to sell back preferred shares for $68 billion may need to spend another $5.1 billion on warrants held…more
Jun, 02 2009
  The Senate passed an amendment in early May to allow the Treasury to exercise warrants at a later date, when bank stocks might have recovered even further, offering bigger…more
May, 27 2009
  A new rule from the Financial Accounting Standards Board that would require banks and other financial firms to move certain losses from their income statements to their balance sheets…more
May, 20 2009
  Banks are being urged by regulators to pay closer attention to structured credit products in their portfolios, including mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and asset-backed securities. In a letter…more
May, 20 2009
  The Justice Department has questioned several former executives at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. as part of its criminal investigation into whether they sold supposedly safe, liquid securities to clients…more
May, 12 2009
  The outlook for collateralized debt obligations backed by insurance company assets is looking increasingly shaky, Manny Modu, analyst at A.M. Best, told Markets Media Wednesday. A.M. Best has placed…more
Apr, 13 2009
  At least one critic of the proposed changes in mark-to-market and fair value accounting rules is changing his tune and seeing some positive signs in the final version. The…more

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